
Kong vs. Aslan

Over the last several weeks, the big questions seems to have been: Which will emerge as the Big Winner at the boxoffice in December—King Kong or The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe?

And now the question seems to be: Why the heck are we so obsessed with WINNING?

As the last week has played out, it appears to be one of those both/and things rather than the typical (and more desirable?) either/or scenario. Both movies seem to have found an audience, and they appear to be largely different. The overall take is being split pretty evenly.

Naturally, each studio would have preferred that one of the two movies had dominated, since each was looking for a blockbuster—and it now appears that neither will be. Both will be solid earners, but—at least in the US—neither will reap the kind of profits that studios are looking for from such properties.

International trends are still the wild cards in the equation, though, so trends could change; but if the past performance trends of similar films are any indicator, that's increasingly unlikely.

What's particularly interesting is that early indicators show that the latest Potter installment will be more sucessful than either of these films, and that the Narnia film's chances are highly tied to its domestic success.

Box Office Prophet, The Numbers, Box Office Mojo


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