
The Final Culture War Post

Wow. What a day. First, this USA Today article surfaced in our browser, confirming that, yes indeed, the Narnia movie is caught up in a cultural tug-of-war (more on how Walden Media president Michael Flaherty feels about that later this week). Then—oh, boy!—the Guardian published Polly Toynbee's bilious screed about the Narnia film (well, the screed is really about how distateful she finds Christianity; but that's how these imaginary wars work).

Fortunately, the sort-of-blog Plastic posted a nice summary of the left-leaning inconsistencies of this made-up war. (Beware: the debate attached to the Plastic post is pretty intense and active. You've been warned.) We've pointed out the problems of the right-leaning inconsistencies plenty. This post makes it all even.

Wow. Can't we just get a grip? Hate and disdain don't look any better dressed up in blue than in red.

(Late note: a blog sponsored by Christianity Today publications has got some conservative push-back posted. The comments on the post give a good feel for what's happening on the Christian side of the debate.)


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