
Mainstream Press Coverage

A recent article here at Hollywood Jesus made the observation that, as of November at least, the mainstream press "couldn't be bothered" with covering the Narnia movie. Now that the December issues of most magazines are out (and they do, indeed give major coverage to the film), it appears that the strategy was deliberate on Disney's part: concede the big pre-December slots to King Kong and friends in favor of a one-two December punch.

First: a smash opening weekind pretty much guaranteed by its promotions to the Christian audience. Then, while the film is poised to do battle with King Kong for the balance of the month, follow up with the big front-page splashes in the major trades.

The intended effect? To get folks thinking, "What? This movie I haven't even read about yet is number one at the boxoffice, and it's already done $100 million? I've got to get out and see that!"

Crafty. Very crafty.

Of course, we could be totally misreading this stuff.

If you want to read some of the mainstream coverage, visit Premiere or Entertainment Weekly.


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