
Weekly Christian Opinion Roundup

The Christian Post has reported on LifeWay's new Narnia resource site. It's a major multimedia-style suite of webpages similar in flavor to the official Narnia website. The objective? According to Gary McClure, LifeWay's e-business marketing manager, "LifeWay wants to be the trusted resource to help individuals become fully engaged from a Christian perspective." Hmmm... I thought that's what NarniaResources.com wanted to be, too. (The cynic in me is also pretty sure that Lifeway would just love to steer a huge chunk of the holiday Narnia product sales business its way, too.) McClure, among others, is also comparing the Disney film's potential impact to that of The Passion of the Christ. However, he believes Narnia's "indirect references to Christianity" may have "greater potential to reach the unchurched" than Gibson's more direct presentation of the gospel.


Wanna know what at least one church has in store in the way of "Narnia Outreach?" Check out this news blurb about a Boston-area church's plans.


Catholic Outreach, meanwhile, is fighting back about questions raised at Christianity Today (and here, for that matter) about whether Hollywood is using the Church to promote its film. "We're utterly compelled to help fuel and drive Hollywood's new interest in faith-based movies," Tom Allen is reported as saying. "We support it because we want it to continue and we want the mass public to profit from it spiritually. It's what countless concerned citizens have longed for and prayed for. Now it's here, prayers answered, and we intend to make the most of it."


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