
Liam Neeson as Aslan?

A web rumor is circulating that Liam Neeson has voiced Aslan for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. And some critics don't like the choice. If the rumor is true, and I do say "if," the choice would make some sense. I'd always thought that Brian Cox, the actor orginally tabbed as Aslan, was an odd choice; but if the idea was to get a decent Celtic-sounding voice, it makes more sense. And Neeson would be a good replacement from that standpoint. Recommendations like James Earl Jones would make far less sense—but Sean Bean would still be a good pick, too!

My personal choice would be Ron Glass, who played Shepherd Book in the Firefly TV series and reprises the role in the upcoming movie Serenity.

Ain't It Cool, 12.07.05


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